Rhythm for Reading - sustainable reading intervention for schools

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About the founder

Dr Marion Long is the developer of the Rhythm for Reading programme.

Marion developed the programme in three stages as a:

  • professional musician teaching disadvantaged pupils,
  • doctoral researcher investigating the effectiveness of the approach on the temporal organisation of pupils’ reading behaviour,
  • programme developer integrating the latest thinking on auditory streaming, entrainment, dynamic attending and incorporating the musical tastes and opinions of young people.

Marion has worked as a researcher at the Institute of Education, University of London, Guildhall School of Music & Drama and for the Paul Hamlyn Foundation and Music Therapy Charity. She has conducted research in educational settings across the UK, interviewing parents, headteachers, teachers, students from age five to thirty-five, and excluded adolescents on a broad range of educational topics. Marion has publications in a number of peer-reviewed journals and chapters in edited books. She is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts, and member of UKLA, BERA and a member of the examiners’ panel for ABRSM.

Contact Marion directly on marion.long@rhythmforreading.com