Rhythm for Reading - sustainable reading intervention for schools

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Safeguarding Policy

We regularly update our knowledge and understanding of statutory guidance.
'Keeping children safe in education 2021: Statutory guidance for schools and colleges'
'Working together to safeguard children 2018 DFE-00195-2018;
'What to do if you are worried a child is being abused: advice for practitioners' DFE-00124-2015
'Special educational needs and disability code of practice: 0-25 years DFE-00205-2013, [2015]

We comply with the child protection policy and safeguarding arrangements of each school or academy trust that we visit and work with. We present Enhanced DBS certificates to those schools and academy trusts. Our approach is consistently child-centred. Children have a right to be safe and should be protected from all forms of abuse and neglect. We listen carefully to the children we work with. We take our responsibility to keep children safe seriously at all times.

We always act in the best interests of children, pupils and students and in our work we take action to enable all children to have the best outcomes. We take action immediately if we have concerns about a child's welfare, both online and offline.

Safeguarding during Rhythm for Reading sessions

We provide a safe environment where children can learn.

We maintain a non-contact policy at all times.

We promote a culture of respect and tolerance. Children know exactly what is expected of them in terms of learning behaviour. Any form of challenging or inappropriate peer-on-peer behaviour is not tolerated in our sessions.

We adapt our programme to accommodate pupils' learning needs and we are sensitive to pupils' needs in terms of neurological, sensory, emotional, psychological and social learning differences.

We consistently maintain high expectations for all the pupils participating in the Rhythm for Reading programme.

We ensure immediacy of response and act in the interests of the child

  • If a child makes a disclosure about abuse, neglect or exploitation.
  • We establish an appropriate level of confidentiality.
  • We pass a disclosure to the designated safeguarding lead or their deputy.
  • We involve only those who need to be involved.

We create a culture that safeguards and promotes the welfare of children. As part of this culture, we manage safe recruitment and deter individuals who are unsuitable to work with children from working with us. Individuals working with us undergo safeguarding checks and must have an enhanced DBS certificate.