Rhythm for Reading - sustainable reading intervention for schools

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The Rhythm for Reading Programme is not based on theory. It is not built on regurgitated information and it is definitely not generated by AI.

Everything in the Rhythm for Reading Programme is based on decades of teaching experience.

Yes! And whilst educational theory and conventional methods work well for most teachers most of the time, in every classroom, there are some children who cannot access the curriculum unless they receive targeted help.

Many of these children, who struggle with decoding are very visible. They are disruptive in class on a daily basis, and unless they get help, they go on to become educationally disaffected.

Others, who are not really accessing the curriculum, and are not receiving targeted help become invisible, very quiet and frightened because they know they are falling behind. So they work hard on hiding their:

  • difficulties with reading,
  • dread of disappointing everyone,
  • despair and despondency.

We understand what’s happening with their reading and we know exactly how to help.

The majority of schools have excellent policies in place to improve early reading development. Here are the three most common aims.

  • A focus on increased success with the teaching of phonics.
  • A drive to develop deeper engagement with reading, and to improve reading comprehension.
  • A strategy for nurturing fluency in reading.

Yes. In the Rhythm for Reading Programme, we help schools to boost early reading in Key Stages One and Two. What we do applies not only to younger children, but we also support Key Stage Three in mainstream schools, and work with even older students in Special Schools.

Here at Rhythm for Reading, we want what teachers want.

Our three wishes:

  • Schools are appreciated for the great work that they do.
  • All teachers have the resources, time and support that they need.
  • All children flourish at school and enjoy learning.

At Rhythm for Reading, we are devoted to supporting teachers and children, as well as providing a system of specialised resources.

We understand how to complement phonics-based teaching.

Learn more:

Rhythm for Reading is grateful to the Education Endowment Foundation for their support. Read the full report here.